Screenlife: Analysis of your Internet Usage

2021, Conceptual work

App Design

Current internet and social media technologies are designed to catch a user's attention by using algorithms. This had led to the polarization of information between people's political agendas and contributed to the spread of information. "ScreenLife" visualizes the information that the user was focused on while using their devices. It can show the user what kind of information they have seen and not seen.

txt adventure: Read & Write Interactive Stories

2021, Conceptual work

App Design, Web Design

In the age of social media and an overwhelming amount of entertainment, people are no longer used to reading long texts. Even online blogs are no longer major platforms. Inspired from text adventure games, txt adventure offers the alternative of traditional books to keep the reader intrigued: an interactive novel. Not only txt adventure is a tool for users, but it also is a tool for writers to write their interactive stories. The UI design is suited best for creating an interactive story and seeing the visualized plot structure, which makes it easier for writers to create their interactive stories.

📚 Case Study

Write to Learn: Korean Learning App

2021, Conceptual work

App Design

'Write to Learn' is a Korean learning app for non-Korean speakers and its design is based on Korean grammar structure. The app focuses on teaching Korean based on writing and it's suited for screens with tablet functions - such as iPad and surface pro.

📚 Case Study

In Memory of Lost signs: Augmented Reality Exhibition

2021, Conceptual Work

App Design, Web Design, Logo, Augmented Reality, UI/UX

This project is an archive of history, as well as the recreation of landscape that has been created by people from the past. The information about signs from the past is collected by people's submission and is shown by using AR(Augmented Reality) technology.